Charlevoix FAQs
Find out all you need to know about visiting Charlevoix.
When is the best time to visit Charlevoix?
May to September is the best time to visit Charlevoix with the warmest weather and most sunshine. Summer (June-August) averages 18-24°C. Winter (November-March) can be very cold and cloudy with temperatures below zero, especially December-February. Spring (April-May) and autumn (September-October) range from cold to comfortably mild.
What is the time difference between the UK and Charlevoix?
Charlevoix is in Eastern Standard Time GMT – 5 hours, with Daylight Saving Time (+ 1 hour) March to November.
What places combine well with Charlevoix?
Baie-Saint-Paul is one hour’s drive from Quebec City, and two hours from Saguenay, so easily combined with Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. It’s only 40 minutes from La Malbaie and two hours from Tadoussac further up the coast.
What are the main cultural events in Charlevoix?
June to August – Le Domaine Forget International Festival of Charlevoix (Saint Irénée)
July – Le Festif de Baie-Saint-Paul
October – Charlevoix Apple Festival
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